Rocky Neck State Park, Connecticut!

Here are a few photos from the state park where I am staying while getting ready for the Mystic art show this weekend. This is such a fabulous state park!  I look forward to my stay each year. You have the marsh land, the ocean, tons of trails to hike or ride your bike, there are even paved paths that are blocked off from cars, so you can ride you bike really fast!!!
I am so luck to be able to visit all of these wonderful places and make living. Life is good!!!


Week 1 : Ocean City NJ

Well, I made it to Ocean City NJ, Finally! I thought the drive would kill me. I just bought a Ford Econoline van from a friend. I


 the van. Having enough space for my paintings and myself is a wonderful thing, but I had not really driven it yet. 85 rattled my nerves.

After 14 hours though, no problem, I can drive that van!

The Board Walk Art Show was this weekend. I have done this show in the past. It is a small show and a lot of work, but I have always been blessed with great weather and enough in sales to come back. This year a major storm hit Saturday morning around 8:00 am. I had arrived just before the rain and lightning. As I dashed to my tent, the wind picked up and tents started flying! I was terrified. When I got to my tent, it was still standing. The lightning was so bad I was afraid to go in. I stood under an awning across the boardwalk and watched as my tent swayed violently in the 50 + mph winds. It slowed down in about an hour so I peeked inside. NONE of my work was damaged!My walls were skewed but not damaged. I am so lucky!!! Swooooh!

Well, by 11:00, it was a beautiful day and I had good sales. You just never know. Overall my sales were down so I do not now if I will come back next year. It is a shame. It is a fun area. It still has a small ocean side community feel to it. Cyclists are everywhere. The roads are really wide and flat. You can bike anywhere.I found the best campground this year, Shorebirds, The area is so quite. It is just a gem! I have a big shady spot. I am staying here through Wednesday, so I put up a big shade tent and made a studio for myself. It is just like my studio, only cleaner!

I will be heading to Connecticut on Wed for the Mystic Art Show. Check back to see how it goes!


Hitting the road

I leave in the morning for my 5 week road trip. 5 fine art shows in a row.
I will start in Ocean City NJ . The Board walk show is held Friday through Saturday 10 - 6 and Sunday 10 - 4
I am booth number 166, between 9th and 10th Street. If you are in the area, stop by and see me

This is a photo of the paintings I have been working on. I am going to take these with me. I hope to finish the large one,  48 x 36, "View from La Falconara" on the trip.

Wish me luck!


1st Panting from Italy

I have finally finished my 1st painting from Italy. This is a cute delicatessen in Siena. The painting is 20" x 20" without the frame.

You  can see the black and white photo I used for the painting. Oh, how I wish I had taken a better photo! The arches were murder without a reference. The streets were so narrow that it was tough to get a good photo.  I have also included photos of the other 2 paintings I have finished this week, "Wild Fruit". These are 12" x 12" without the frame.  Check back soon and to see the next Italy painting I am working on, "View from La Falconara".



Summer Seminars art party!

Well, the week has come to an end.  All the students have worked so hard and it shows. Just take a look at the work they have accomplished. Many of these students have not even worked in these mediums before. It is amazing to see the progress in just 5 days.

Works in Progress. Week 2 of Scad Summer Seminars

Week 2
All new students have flocked to Scad Atlanta for an intensive week of learning and fun.
These are exceptional high school student from all over the country who have applied and been accepted to Scad Atlanta for the week.  I am teaching a 2 and half hour panting workshop in the morning and a 2 and a half hour still life drawing workshop in the afternoon. See the photos below of the classes at work

The Scad art party is finally here!

Everyone worked really hard and had a great time. I could see a lot of progress in such a short time.  So now it is time for the art party!! 
Family and friends came out to see what these young artist have been up to all week. I had the pleasure of meeting several parents tonight and you could tell how proud they were.
We had students from all over the US, so a lot of new friendships were formed this week, and what better way to celebrate than an art party. Check out these great pictures from the show.


Congratulation Bianca !
Featured student of the week.
We all love the floating hat.

Here are a few photos from class. The students have started their final project, which is a still life.  They can use the medium of their choice, but they must be finished by 4:00 on Friday.

Check back tomorrow and see the completed projects and photos of the art show from all the classes

Scott Eakin @ Starbucks

Good Evening All
I wanted to forward this out to all of you. Scott Eakin from the SCAD class will have some his work on display at Starbucks on Briarcliff. Check it out if you get a chance.

I'm glad to let you know that I have art in public again, 6 pieces in Starbucks on the corner of Briarcliff and La Vista.  The work will be there throughout the month of July.  If you do stop by the store, let me know what you think.  Here is a link to one of the pieces on display. 
Scott Eakin

Feature students of the week!

                                                             Kathryn Bomar

                                                            Debbie Ezell  

Both of these students finished a painting in just 3 classes. Congratulations Kathryn and Debbie!!

Well, we have finished classes for the summer.  When classes start back in the fall, I think it will be fun to feature different students every week. Something to look forward to.
Classes will begin at Spruill on September 16th and will still be on Tuesday from 1:00 - 3:30.

                                Artist hard at work on the last class at Spruill Annex.

I want to thank you all for your hard work this summer. Have a great 4th of July and I will see you in September.


A stop over in Scottsboro Alabama

We are back in Atlanta, although the area in Tuscumbia is beautiful, it is nice to be home.
I had a good show and on the way home we stopped in Scottsboro, Al to visit the Unclaimed Baggage store. What fun! We also walked through the town and did a little antiquing. We found a few great deals.  If you are in the area , I highly suggest  a stop over. 

To the  right are photos of my booth from the show and of Spring Park where the  show was held. I would have taken a few photos of Scottsboro, but I packed the camera and could not find it - oops!

Helen Keller Art Festival

Rob and I  are off to Tuscumbia AL this weekend for the Helen Keller Art Festival. This is a hot festival, but the people are so friendly it is a joy to participate. Below is a photo taken of me last year while working at the booth. I'll let you know how the  show goes this year.

4th Annual Art Show at Binders

Every year Binders hosts a gallery opening for my painting students from SCAD Atlanta and Spruill Community Arts Center. We had another great and successful show this year. Seven paintings were sold on opening night.
 Thank you for all those you helped out and made it possible. The food and wine were excellent (thanks to 103 West and Bret Kathey from Icon Estates) and of course there was the great music preformed by Eddie Varsalona!!  
The show will be up through July 2nd. Please stop by if you get a chance.
Binders is located at 
3330 Piedmont Rd
Atlanta GA 30305
404 237 6331

Latest Painting 6/25/2008

Rob and I travelled to Europe for a month or fun and research. I have just finished my first painting from that trip. "Kvetiny" is 30" x 30"
Below you can see the black and white photograph that I took while in Prague and used to create the painting. See more of my work at