Not only did I meet great new friends, I sold my most recent painting, Looking Over Montepulciano, 48" x 36", (shown to the right).
The show was a true trial of patience and endurance. After driving 8 hours, I got myself signed into the show, the van unloaded and began to set up my display. That is when I realized I had left my display tent in Atlanta. I called and drove around Covington, trying to buy a tent for the weekend. Not having any luck with a tent, a fellow artist noticed my distress and just happened to have an extra EZ up tent that he could loan me. THANK YOU Michael Hayman.
What a nice guy!
Well, It was a tent that I was not used to, so of course, I did not set up correctly. A wind storm can through over night and when I go to my tent the next morning all of my display wall were skewed and twisted. Once again I was very lucky, The borrowed tent was not damaged nor were any of my paintings. I must of had an angel looking over me this weekend.
I had to break everything down and set up again. The winds were still very strong but, neighboring artists helped keep things from flying while I pulled my work and walls out so that I could start over. I tell you, longest set up ever!
My drama finally stopped and I had a great weekend. Thanks to all the folks that helped me out!