Gallery Grand Opening Nov 1st 5 - 10 pm!

Please join me this weekend for the Grand Opening of the Decatur Gallery!
Join us for wine and appetizers and a chance to meet the artists and artisans in residence at the Gallery.  Location is:  153 Ponce de Leon Place, Decatur Georgia 30030.
Food compliments of Taco Mac's catering division. Coffee from Dancing Goats and tea from Lifestyle Teas. Wine provided by AFFPS.
What's with the car you ask?
 That's Joan Crawford's 1956 custom Bentley.  She'll be on hand also.
 (The car, that is.)

Dawn wins award in Destin & picks up a new gallery!!

Lots of things happened this weekend in Destin. I won an award that came with a cash prize, sold a few paintings and picked up a new gallery. I also discover that doing out of town shows with other artist friends is a lot more fun that having dinner by yourself. Thanks Ann and Anita! All in all it was a good weekend. Of course one of the painting I did sell, was the "Wine Truck" that I was going to re photograph.(See next entry for photo of "Wine Truck").  It alway nice to sell a piece the first time it is shown.

I met Sandy from the Beau Spirt Gallery on Sunday and she expressed interest in my work. I decided to stop by on my way out of town and see what I thought of the gallery. I liked both her and the space. So, I signed a contract and left 5 painting to begin with. 

I am tickled that my paintings are getting attention. I will keep my fingers crossed and keep painting! 

Cheers!  Dawn

Ann Finley Jewelry
Beau Espirt Gallery 1-850-837-0390   

Paintings this week : Wine Truck Finished!

I finished the "Wine Truck" 20 x 20 this week. Oh joy! This is a great truck that I found out in front of a winery on the North Fork in Long Island.  I just could not pass up painting this charming scene. I wish that I had taken  a better photo of my painting,though. I had just put on the varnish  and you can really see a glare.  I will try to reshoot it.


I was so happy to finish the 48 x 36 painting of Montepulciano earlier in the week that I have  started two new paintings from Italy. The first one  you see is from hillside villages of Cinque Terre.  Cinque Terre is located on the Northwest coast of Italy.  I took this photograph as Rob and I hiked from Monterosso al Mara to Vernazza. As we were coming down the mountain separating the two villages I saw this breath taking view of Vernazza. I always work from black and white photos that I have taken.  Here you can see the paintings I am working on along with the black and white.

The other painting I started this week is from Montipulciano. This is a view I woke up to every morning. I will keep you posted to my progress on these two painting. It is so much fun working on these. I feel like I am back in Italy and it just relaxes me and makes me happy!


Looking over Montepulciano

I have finished my 3rd painting in the Europe Series. 
"Looking Over Montepulciano" 48 x 36
This is the view from our agriturismo in Montepulciano. You just could not have a bad view.
I am now working on another Tuscan landscape and a scene form Cinque Terre.

You can see below, the other 2 paintings in the series. "Shopping in Siena" and "Kvetiny, Wenceslas Square"


The Decatur Market & Gallery

New Gallery in Decatur! As sad as we all are about losing bosewll Gallery in Decatur, I am happy to be apart of the new co-op gallery in the same location. I worked my first shift this Wed. What fun!! Patrick Dennis is the new owner and we just had a blast working on postcards and website ideas. The new gallery has a very new 
look, so  make sure to stop by.  The gallery is open Tuesday - Saturday, 10 - 6 and they even have a open market in front of the gallery every Friday and Saturday evening from 5 - 10 pm. If you do not make it out before hand, the offical grand opening is November 1st. I will let you know as soon as they have their new website up and running!
If you have any questions about the Decatur Gallery, the number is 404 337 0755



Dawn Art @ Brookhaven Art Festival this weekend

Stop by and visit me this weekend in Brookhaven, GA

If you missed me in Norcross last weekend, you have another chance this weekend in Brookhaven.
The show is 

Saturday October 11th 10 - 6

Sunday October 12th 12 - 6

The BAF is held on Apple Valley Road, directly behind the Brookhaven MARTA Station. Convenient access to Peachtree Road, I-85, GA-400, and MARTA plus ample free parking gives the Brookhaven Arts Festival an ideal setting that enhances the experience for both artists and visitors.

Dawn Art @ Norcross Art Festival this weekend

Dawn Art @ Norcross Art Festival this weekend!

Stop by and say hello this weekend:

 Saturday Oct 4th 10 – 6

 Sunday Oct 5th 11 – 5

Hope to see you there!

Dawn Kinney Martin 


Via Peachtree Industrial Blvd. south or Peachtree Parkway (Hwy. 141) south: Turn left on Holcomb Bridge Road.

Via I-285: Go north on Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Turn right on Holcomb Bridge Road.

Via I-85 north or south: Go west on I-285 to north on Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Turn right on Holcomb Bridge Rd.

Via Buford Hwy. south: Turn right on Jimmy Carter Blvd., right on Atlantic Blvd., right on Holcomb Bridge Road.

Look for the “Festival Parking” signs.

Dawn Wins Award in Charlotte!

This years Festival in the Park turned out to be a fabulous show. First I win an award that comes with a cash prize, then I meet a new collector of my work and have the best show in 3 years sales wise.

I know the economy is terrible, but this gives me hope!!!!!

(make sure to notice that pretty ribbon)



One year anniversary at Sip

 April Phillips owns this great little coffee house at Lindburgh Station.  
April is the better half  to Ralph "Ted " Phillips. 
Ralph has been in my painting class f-o-r-e-v-e-r and is a great painter. All of us in class listened, watched and waited for the coffee house to become a reality and now it is having its one year anniversary.  So, if you can make it, stop by on Sat and check it out.

Congratulations April and Ralph!!!



Festival in the Park Sept 18 - 21

Please stop by and see my latest paintings at

Festival in the Park

Spetbember 18th 6pm - 9pm

September 19th 4pm - 9pm

September 20th 10 pm - 9pm

September 21st 11 pm - 6pm

I will be in the Juried Artist Walk

Hope to see you there!

Dawn Kinney Martin

Freedom Park

1900 East Blvd

Charlotte NC 28203

Classes Start Back at Spruill

Classes start back at Spruill on Tuesday, September 16th, 1:00 - 3:30. If you have not already signed up, please click on the link below to sign up on line or call 770.394.3447.
I will also offer a three week open studio class December 2nd - 16th. Tuesdays 1 - 3:30.

Classes at SCAD Atlanta begin Tuesday and Wednesday September 16th and 17th 6:00 - 9:00
Click on the link below to register on line, or see the info below about register by mail or phone. SCAD does have teacher discounts and ACA or SCAD alumni discounts so be sure to use those if you can.

See you soon!!


Register by Mail

To register by mail, send the completed registration form with Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit/debit card; a personal/company check; or a money order (no counter checks or starter checks are accepted). Make checks and money orders payable to the Savannah College of Art and Design. 

Register by Fax

Fax completed registration forms with Visa, MasterCard or credit/debit card payment information to the secure line at 404.253.2702. All correspondence from the college, including payment receipt and confirmation, is sent via e-mail. 

Register by Phone

To register by telephone, call 404.253.6814, and have your registration information and credit/debit card number ready. You receive enrollment confirmation prior to the end of the call. 

Georgia Teacher Discounts 

Certified Georgia teachers who present a copy of their current teaching certificates are eligible for a 15 percent discount off the registration fee for any course and a 10 percent discount off the registration fee for any workshop or tour offered through the ACA Community Education Program of SCAD. 

SCAD and ACA Alumni Discount

With verification of SCAD or ACA alumni status, a 10 percent discount may be applied toward any ACA Community Education Program of SCAD course or workshop registration fee. 

Good to be back home!!!

Well, I am finally back in Atlanta. So Good to be home. The studio is still standing and it even looks like we have had some rain while I was gone. It is nice to see that the garden is still hanging in there. 

Rob has  started a new job with General and can you believe he had to leave town for a work trip on Thursday morning? He will be back on Saturday, so it could be worse. At least that gives me a chance to pile through the laundry, the stacks of mail on the desk and unload the van.   I have been fiddling with the look of the blog. Let me know if you like the changes.



Dawn's Book Reviews

I had no idea that Newport RI was such a busy tourist town. People and cars everywhere. Of course, there are rows of shops, restaurants and other fun things along the water to entice the people. I was going to tour the historic mansions in Newport today, but decided to just take a bike ride and pack up my campsite. I will do that next time. It is so nice to be in an area with scenic bike paths, I have to take advantage. These are photos I took along the bike.

I am heading back to PA for one last show before heading home. This will be a 3 day show over Labor Day weekend in Harrisburg.


I have read a few good books and a few bad books on the way.

The Bad and Ugly

Dark Harbor


Stuart Woods

– Don't read it It was bad.

47th Samurai

by Stephen Hunter, I have enjoyed some of his books in the past, but I cannot believe that a 60-year-old Billy Lee Swagger can be taught to be a Samurai fighter in a week. It was hard to make it through.

The Thumbs up Category

Falling Angels

by Tracy Chevalier, This is by the author of Pearl Earring. It was a well-written book. On the serious side, this book deals with the womens suffrage movement in England.

Whitethorn Woods

by Maeve Binchy, This book was a lot of fun. Each chapter was from the viewpoint of one character. Often the next chapter would be about the same story but from another characters point of view. It was often hysterical to read the conflicting views.

On Audio

Chasing Shadows

: novellas from Transgressions

by Walter Mosley and Joyce Carol Oates, The first novella by Walter Mosley was surprising coming from Walter Mosley. Every book I have read by him in the past had an angry black man as the central character. This story shows a softer side of Mosley. The main character is a small, insecure, intellectual young man working for and being bullied by an anarchist. Two thumbs up!

The second story by Joyce Carol Oates was a little disturbing. I put it in the okay category


by Christopher Buckley, A really good book that deals with the absurdity American politic in a fictional setting. A Lot of laughs, but a little scary if you think about it.

The Dead Father Club

by Matt Haig, This was on the serious / sad side, but well written. It deals with the unexpected death of a young boy’s Dad. It leaves the reader enough room to make up your own mind.

Criss Cross

by Lynne Rae Perkins, a cute story. More for young adults, if you have kids, you would want them to be as nice as these.

Life the Universe and Everything

by Douglas Adams, always a lot of fun even if he does ramble a bit. If you have never read, listen to or seen any of his books, you should. His imagination is amazing.

I am now reading

Henderson’s Spear

by Ronald Wright and

The Memory of Running

by Ron McLarty. Henderson’s Spear is hit or miss. Some parts are good. Some are tedious. The Memory of Running seems like it is going to be a winner.



Pennsylvania to Rhode Island

Time is flying by and I will be home before I know it. Hooray!! Nothing like being away for over a month to make you truly appreciate your home and loved ones.

I had great weather in Mount Gretna but just  an okay show. Art sales art just slow right now, along with everything else in our economy.  I did come across a pretty pond that I think I can turn into a nice painting. That is alway exciting!

On the 19th, after a nice ride on a near by mountain bike trail, I headed in the direction of Rhode Island. I spent the night in Stamford Ct and walked around and did a little shopping before getting back on the road. Stamford had a nice downtown area were you could get out of your car and walk to anything you needed.

I arrived in RI around 3 and started put up the campsite. It is a nice campground and I can hear the ocean from my site. I will be here through next Wed. and then back to PA formy last art show of this series. There are a lot of really nice bike paths near me. On Thursday I went for a 25 mile ride long the bike paths. I had a great time. Boy was I tired when I finished.  The load in for the show was on Friday. I was an easy set up. As it turns out, it is an in door show. So I just had to put up my wall and not my tent. Nice!!  Once again, it was just an okay show. The people were so nice and the load in was so easy, I would do this show again as a filler between 2 other shows.



Taking Philly by storm

Well lot's of thing have happened since my last post. The Mystic Art show was good. The weather was perfect and I had good sales.  You really can not ask for more. I was to stay on in Mystic through Thursday, arriving in Mount Gretna Thursday evening, just in time for the early morning art show set up.  Well, Rob was able to get away for a few days and we decided to meet in  Philadelphia for a few days and just do the  tacky tourist thing like nobody's business! I packed up the tent sight early Monday morning and headed to Philly.  With traffic and rain, I was able to pick up Rob at the airport at 3:00 and we headed to the hotel. Rob had reserved a spot in the Convention Center District. It was a great location. So many things that we wanted to see and do were right there in waking distance. We pulled out our bags and parked the van for the duration. You know, after sending 2 weeks in a campsite, the hotel was very welcome. What luxury!

After settleling in we head to the streets. Our friend, Mike Gallager, gave us a list of must eat and drink while in Philly, so time to get started!! We walked over to the Nodding head for a great dinner and brew. Then we headed over to The Monk. Everything was great! Thanks Mike!! We took a lesiurly stroll back through town to our hotel. I am so impressed with all of the public art. It is everywhere. The next day we did all of the tourist things we could fit in. We rode the DUCK through town and up and down the Deleware River, saw the liebery bell and more. We had a blast . For Rob's last bit with me, we drove to Pottsville PA.  Rob was finally able to fufill a dream an tour  the Yuengling brewery. It is a very interesting tour and our guide was a true delight. Now I am off to Mount Gretna Pa for another art show. The weather should be great this weekend, so wish me luck!!

