Ahhh, the Atlanta Dogwood Festival, the start of spring and my first show for the year. I have been working like crazy in the studio and should have some interesting new paintings for you to see. You can find me in Booth 119, close to the 14th st entrance. Stop by, say hello and tell me what you think. Cheers, Dawn
Spring Art News
Hello everyone and happy Spring,
I am happy to announce my new website www.dawnart.com is up and running. It still needs a little tweaking, but I think it will much more user friendly and easy to find out about classes and shows.
Speaking of classes, Tues night painting studio starts back this Tues, March, 22
Click here for more. You can see all classes and workshops scheduled on my classes page.
You know what else spring bring in... The Atlanta Dogwood Festival. This is always my first show of the year and I can't wait. It's April 7 - 9 in Piedmont Park and you can find me in booth #119
Wild Fields of Spring
I enjoyed this composition I came up with for my Wed Technique Class and decided to play around with the color a little bit. I'm really liking the oranges in this one. I like the boldness of it but it seems feels like it is in harmony and not too aggressive. I might need to try one with reds!
Below is the painting demo from last weeks class. So which one do you like better? I'd love your feed back! - Dawn
Plein Air at Winn Park
March 9, 1:00 Winn Park
Join a few of us painting in Winn Park. Free Street parking just read the signs.
These are free plein air meet ups. The only cost will be if there is a cost for parking or entry. We try get together and paint once a week. Everyone is welcome. Come when you can, leave when you need to. I'd love to meet you. We won't meet if it's raining or below 35˚
Looking Forward to Spring
This time of the year, it's super easy to yearn for spring blooms and sunny days. I know it's just around the corner!!
Here is today's palette knife demo for my Wed Morning Techniques Class.
You can check up upcoming classes below. We wrapped up the Wed class today, but I'll start back March 30th. Check it out and join us if you can. Class size limited to 6.
Happy painting,
May 20 - 22 No Stress Plein Air 3 day Workshop
Painting at Tallulah Gorge at our last trip to Parker Ranch
May 20 - 22 No Stress Plein Air at the Parker Ranch in Clayton GA
Stay together, paint together.
in Clayton Ga is a cozy gathering place. The owners, Becky and Paula have hosted my plein workshops several times and they always out do themselves to make sure everyone is comfortable.
Learn to capture the outdoor with a limited color palette and the palette knife. Working from the landscape is such a great way to improve your paintings, but it can be overwhelming when just starting out. In this class, I'll help you with tips and tricks to setting up, how to find your focus, and get started. Using a limited palette will help you with color mixing and creating harmony in your paintings. I love the energy working with a palette knife brings to my paintings. An added bonus - no cleaning your brushes!! You will learn different ways to use the knife to get your desired effect.
Classes Times
12 - 5 Friday, 10 - 5 Sat, & 10 - 3 Sunday
Cost $225 Includes daily instruction and demos in the field and one on one instruction throughout the day. Nightly social hour with wine and cheese
Breakfast each morning is provided by the Ranch with your reservation.
100.00 holds your spot.
Deadline to sign up is May 14 th.
Room arrange should be made through Becky at the Parker Lodge
Becky Hoover
You can request a private or shared room.
What's not included:
Lunches and dinner
Painting supplies
This is a rain or shine event. Bring photos to work from just in case we have bad weather.
Here is a
to a great post from fellow artist Lori Putman with tips for flying with you paints.
*For those that arrive early on Thursday, we'll get a little painting done.
** I have a few extra plein air easels if you are new. Just let me know right away if you need one.
The Parker Ranch
The Parker Ranch is a laid back loge built in 1907 as an Atlanta family summer home in Clayton GA. It has 6 rooms all with private baths. Some are double occupancy - two beds - so you can share rooms if you'd like, and one cabin. Clayton is just under 2 hours from Atlanta, world away. The Lodge is about one mile from town with good restaurants and lots of charm.
Room arrange should be made through Becky at the Parker Lodge
Becky Hoover
Close by
Lake Burton
Dillard House
Talulah Gorge and Day Use Area
Cancellation Policy: If cancellation is made ten or more days prior to beginning workshop date, a full refund will be made. If cancellation is made less than 10 days prior to beginning of workshop, half of the workshop fee will be refunded. Cancellations of 5 days or less from beginning date of workshop, no refunds issued. If workshop is cancelled by the artist, the entire workshop fee will be refunded. If flying, it is advised that you purchase refundable airline tickets in the event of a cancellation
Making Progress
Monday in the studio!! Untitled for now, 24 x 36 Oil on canvas - palette knife.
24 x 36 Oil on Canvas
Last weeks efforts.
This one started as a plein air study in Olmsted Park
Check out all classes available online: click
Hope to see you out there,
Questions? Get in touch
Studio Tip: What do you get when you cross a paper towel roll and a saw?
I was tired of wasting paper towels in the studio or being to cheap to get a clean one, so I thought I'd try cutting a role down in the shop. By cutting the roll into three sections, I have the perfect size to clean my brushes and knives without waste! Hallelujah Why did it take me so long to come up with this??
Cheers, Dawn
Check out all classes available online: click
.Hope to see you out there,
Questions? Get in touch
Painting at Stone MT Park
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday was a perfect day to hit Stone Mountain Park for an afternoon of painting, today it's rainy and cold. I hope we'll be so lucky next week. We had five painter come out.
Today Efforts - Headed to the Park
I went back around the corner today to see if I could finish this one. Right at 4:00 the light hits the buildings just right. Now if only these people would hold still!!
9 x 12 "Headed to the Park" oil on panel, plein air
Here's my start. Too bad I couldn't get that tandem bike in there. Such an unwilling model . : )
Questions? Get in touch
Sunny, but Cool
I didn't finish today as I had hope, but made a lot of progress. This one started as a plein air study in the Olmsted Linear Park. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll finish : ) Dawn
Untitled 24 x 36 oil on canvas Dawn Kinney Martin
The inspiration
Hope to see you out there,
One of my favorite plein air paintings
Wow, I won a sponsorship award !!
I was almost too embarrassed to
turn mine in. Turn out it's really stressful
painting in a competition!
The final painting, "Hard Days Work " 12 x 16 oil on panel Sold
The inspiration!!! I've learned a lot out there painting this year,
I look forward to getting out that more in 2016 and see what
Cheers, Dawn
Happy New Year! Dawn Art Update
Happy New Year from Dawn Art
Happy 2016!! It's hard to believe it's already here. Before you know it, It will be April and time for the Atlanta Dogwood festival!
This past year was a good one! I was able to travel to so many wonderful place to paint, make new friends and even enter a few competitions. And I couldn't be happier with my new studio and classes. I look forward to see what adventures 2016 will bring. I hope the new year is as good for you as well!
Classes and Workshops
Check out all classes available online: click
Questions? Get in touch
Harbor Hangout
My model
12 x 12 oil on panel, plein air Sold
With all the rain we've had, I've had the wonderful challenge of painting grey days! Here's my attempt at the Elizabeth City Harbor!
Cheers - Dawn
"Rainy Days and Bourbon"
Plein air in VA- Highlands. I have been trying to catch a few local spots in between the rain storms.
Street scenes are a struggle for me, so I'm going to work on them and see if I can make a little progress .
To be clear, I'm not drinking Bourbon - Just painting a colorful Bourbon bar across the street! : )
for purchase info
Color me Purple
I found this purple boat at Lamb's Marina while I was on a painting trip in Camden, NC. I couldn't resist !
Here's my model
9x12 plein air, oil on panel
Click link below for purchase info
Capture rushing water
Returning to Nature 12 x 16 oil on panel
With all the rains, it's a good time to try to capture the force of a fast moving water fall. This is the finished plein air painting from Victory park train. This is the ruins of an old factory. The water has cut a path through it, so I call this one " Returning to Nature" I have to admit, I like the way this one turned out. I have been working on city scenes here of late, and they not my strong point, so it's nice to get back in my comfort zone for a little bit.
Check out my classes and workshops here https://squareup.com/market/dawn-art
Painting with Carol at Victory Creek
Victory Falls
Let's get back to painting!
Happy 2016!! It's is hard to believe it's already here. I was able to take a little time off. Now, I'm looking forward to getting back the studio and classes. I have weekly classes and workshops starting soon. ***Keep an eye out for a new Abstract Workshop, with Lauren Adams, details soon.
Jan - March 1 6:15 pm - 9:30pm, 4 or 8 weeks
Tuesday Night Painting Studio - 140.00- 4 weeks, 240.00 - 8 weeks
Jan 20 - Feb 24 Wed 10am - 1 pm, 6 weeks
Painting Techniques class - 225.00
Check out all classes available online: click
, choose the Classes and Workshop heading.
Palette Knife One Day Workshops 95.00
Sunflowers -
Jan 30, Sat 10:00 - 3:00
Boats -
Feb 27, Sat 10:00 - 3:00
Plein Air One Day Workshop
No stress introduction to painting plein air. 75.00
April 16, Sat 10:00 - 3:00
May 7,
Sat 10:00 - 3:00
Weekend workshop at Parker Ranch
May 20 - 22
hese will begin with demos and exercises followed by working on a painting.
Coming soon - Abstract Workshop with Lauren Adams
Hope to see you out there.
Happy Painting, Dawn
Classes held at DawnArt Studios 180 A 11th St NE, Atlanta GA 30309.
Check out all classes available online: click
Questions? Get in touch
Palette knife boats - getting started
I talked about painting starts and working with the palette knife last week in class and a few folks wanted to see how the painting progressed. This is where we left off after class.I know these are not the best photos, but I stopped to take photos of this 24 x 48 painting while it was up on the easel. I didn't take the time the set up a good shot, but I hope you get the idea.
After laying out my composition, I started making color notes.
Decided to change the boats a little bit. so I pulled out left over paint to adjust my drawing.
Still trying to decided my color palette and blocking in areas.
A little more progress, starting defining my horizon line and adding color to my boats.
That's all for know. I think I have a good idea of the direction to take it and hope to finish soon. I'll keep ya' posted
Sorry for the horrible photos and have a great time over the holiday season - Dawn