Decatur Gallery : Art Opening Saturday Night

The Decatur Gallery
153 Ponce de Leon PL
Decatur GA 30030
404 377 0755

Saturday , Jan 24th, 2008

James Loftus is an "appropriationist" who creates works of art in 3D, supported by compelling narratives for each unique piece.

Mr. Paclipan creates works of mixed media using components such as latex and glue to fabricate colorful worlds insprired by nature.

Refreshments and music will be provided. Weather permitting, I will be painting out in front of the gallery.

Check out the website for images.

Hope to see you there

Home from Las Olas and Naples Art Festivals

It is great to be home from two weekends in Florida. The weather was a perfect 79 degrees, but is is great to be back home.

 Naples was pretty much uneventful. I sold one 15 x 15 painting " Rapids at Anna Ruby. Las Olas was a much better show. My big sale there was the "Cottage Retreat" 30 x 30 to  two wonderful gentlemen who live right on Las Olas Boulevard. They were a delight to meet and I am happy that my painting is going in their home.
The Cottage Retreat is a house in Atlanta that I jogged past one day and was taken with its charm. After my run, I drove back with my camera so that I could paint this lovely house. This painting was on of my mom's favorite, so she was said to see it go. My other sale worth mentioning at Las Olas was the 15 x 15 of "Time to Celebrate" . This was a row house from New Orleans.

Happy New Year!


Call to Artists

Call to Artists
Announcing the 1st Annual " Trees in Art" National Juried Exhibition May 8-27, 2009. Deadline Feb 15, 2009. Art must fit the theme of Trees in art and be for sale. Show will be judged by Atlanta gallery owner Anne Irwin. Artwork will be on display for sale at both VIP preview events and to the public. Proceeds of sales will be split 75% to the artist and 25% to Trees Atlanta, a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the environment by planting and conserving trees. Prospectus is available at or

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Decatur Galley on Channel 46

Check out this interview at the Decatur Gallery. It is a glass blowing Demo , but notice the fabulous painting in the background!!!!!  

The opening reception for Rodney Andrew's amazing glasswork is this Saturday from 5 - 10.

Hope to see you there!


The Decatur Market & Gallery

                        153 Ponce de Leon Pl.

                        Decatur, GA 30030



Check out some Dawn Art this weekend at the Telephone Factory Art Show this Saturday and Sunday !

Sat 11:00 AM
Telephone Factory Lofts

828 Ralph Mcgill Blvd NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

Who’s coming?
11 Yes / 0 Maybe

Who's organizing? 

13th Annual Art Show and Sale!! 
December 6th and 7th 
Saturday 11-7 Sunday 1-6

See Artwork that includes painting, photography, sculpture, jewelery, collage and illustration. Join us in the celebration of the season and see why the Telephone Factory is the best place to purchase fun, functional works of art. In 2007, this show brought out 3,000 attendees....don't miss out!!

For more information: 
Telephone Factory Art Show





WHERE:         The Decatur Market & Gallery

                        153 Ponce de Leon Pl.

                        Decatur, GA 30030



WHEN:           Saturday, Dec. 13 2008

                        5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.


DETAILS:      Free to the public; refreshments and music


Rodney Andrew is a master “lampworker” who creates unique glasswork inspired by nature.  His original art is a type of glasswork that employs a gas fueled torch to melt rods and tubes of clear and colored glass.  Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with a variety of tools and hand movements.  This technique has been widely used in Murano, Italy since the 14th century.


Early lampworking was done in the flame of an oil lamp, with the artist blowing air into the flame through a pipe.  Most modern lampworkers use torches burning propane, natural gas, butane or pure oxygen.


Mr. Andrew’s work is a fine example of modern lampworking and is highly prized for collections.


Mr. Andrew will be present for the reception, as well as other artists in at the gallery.

The Decatur Market & Gallery is a co-operative gallery for emerging artists and unique artisans of Georgia.


For additional information contact:

Patrick Dennis, Decatur Market & Gallery


888-377-0755 toll free

Success at the Covington art festival

I had a great show this weekend in Covington Louisiana!
Not only did I meet great new friends, I sold my most recent painting, Looking Over Montepulciano, 48" x 36", (shown to the right).

The show was a true trial of patience and endurance. After driving 8 hours, I got myself signed into the show, the van unloaded and began to set up my display.  That is when I realized I had left my display tent in Atlanta. I called  and drove around Covington, trying to buy a tent for the weekend.  Not having any luck with a tent, a fellow artist noticed my distress and just happened to have an extra EZ up tent that he could loan me.  THANK YOU Michael Hayman. 
What a nice guy!

Well, It was a tent that I was not used to, so of course, I did not set up correctly. A wind storm can through over night and when I go to my tent the next morning all of my display wall were skewed  and twisted. Once again I was very lucky, The borrowed tent was not damaged nor were any of my paintings. I must of had an angel looking over me this weekend.
I had to break everything down and set up again.  The winds were still very strong but, neighboring artists helped keep things from flying while I pulled my work and walls out so that I could start over. I tell you, longest set up ever!  

My drama finally stopped and I had a great weekend. Thanks to all the folks that helped me out!
